Physical Review E – December 1993
Volume 48, Issue 6


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Quantum versus classical control of tunneling
Dmitrii E. Makarov
pp. R4164-R4167 [View Page Images or PDF (793 kB)]
Coexistence of morphologies in diffusive patterning
Ofer Shochet and Eshel Ben-Jacob
pp. R4168-R4171 [View Page Images or PDF (793 kB)]
Prototypes of attractors in four dimensions
G. Baier and J. S. Thomsen
pp. R4172-R4174 [View Page Images or PDF (534 kB)]
Phase transitions in two-dimensional traffic-flow models
José A. Cuesta, Froilán C. Martínez, Juan M. Molera, and Angel Sánchez
pp. R4175-R4178 [View Page Images or PDF (890 kB)]
Generic behavior in linear systems with multiplicative noise
J. M. Deutsch
pp. R4179-R4182 [View Page Images or PDF (784 kB)]
Exact renormalization-group approach to the generating function of the Vicsek fractal
J. Q. You, Chi-Hang Lam, Franco Nori, and Leonard M. Sander
pp. R4183-R4186 [View Page Images or PDF (658 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Arbitrary-width confined states of traveling-wave convection: Pinning, locking, drift, and stability
Paul Kolodner
pp. R4187-R4190 [View Page Images or PDF (698 kB)]
Chaotic Turing-Hopf mixed mode
A. De Wit, G. Dewel, and P. Borckmans
pp. R4191-R4194 [View Page Images or PDF (1,069 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Two-stage collapse of a polymer chain in two dimensions
R. Mark Bradley
pp. R4195-R4198 [View Page Images or PDF (826 kB)]
Two-dimensional Landau–de Gennes dynamical model for the unwinding transition of a cholesteric liquid crystal
T. Frisch, L. Gil, and J. M. Gilli
pp. R4199-R4202 [View Page Images or PDF (729 kB)]
Vesicle adsorption on a plane: Scaling regimes and crossover phenomena
E. Orlandini, A. L. Stella, M. C. Tesi, and F. Sullivan
pp. R4203-R4206 [View Page Images or PDF (788 kB)]

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Dendritic Growth

Theory of diffusion-limited growth
Herbert Levine and Yuhai Tu
pp. R4207-R4210 [View Page Images or PDF (609 kB)]

Computational Physics

Bit-level correlations in some pseudorandom number generators
K. Kankaala, T. Ala-Nissila, and I. Vattulainen
pp. R4211-R4214 [View Page Images or PDF (664 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Phase equilibria and transformations in adiabatic systems
A. Umantsev and G. B. Olson
pp. 4229-4249 [View Page Images or PDF (3,592 kB)]
Gravity in one dimension: The critical population
Charles J. Reidl, Jr. and Bruce N. Miller
pp. 4250-4256 [View Page Images or PDF (919 kB)]
Phase-ordering kinetics in nonconserved scalar systems with long-range interactions
Hisao Hayakawa, Takamitsu Ishihara, Kenichi Kawanishi, and Takeshi S. Kobayakawa
pp. 4257-4262 [View Page Images or PDF (881 kB)]
Kinetic equation for classical particles obeying an exclusion principle
G. Kaniadakis and P. Quarati
pp. 4263-4270 [View Page Images or PDF (1,142 kB)]
Coordination models of random sequential adsorption in one and two dimensions
G. J. Rodgers
pp. 4271-4273 [View Page Images or PDF (354 kB)]
Negative Poisson ratio in two-dimensional networks under tension
David H. Boal, Udo Seifert, and Julian C. Shillcock
pp. 4274-4283 [View Page Images or PDF (1,674 kB)]
Statistical mechanics of kinks in 1+1 dimensions: Numerical simulations and double-Gaussian approximation
Francis J. Alexander, Salman Habib, and Alex Kovner
pp. 4284-4296 [View Page Images or PDF (2,161 kB)]
Horseshoe implications
Gabriel B. Mindlin, Ricardo López-Ruiz, Hernán G. Solari, and R. Gilmore
pp. 4297-4304 [View Page Images or PDF (1,506 kB)]
Exact solution of a phase-separation model with conserved-order-parameter dynamics and arbitrary initial concentration
Jian-Cheng Lin and P. L. Taylor
pp. 4305-4308 [View Page Images or PDF (515 kB)]
Harmonic oscillators driven by colored noise: Crossovers, resonances, and spectra
Jaume Masoliver and Josep M. Porrà
pp. 4309-4319 [View Page Images or PDF (1,298 kB)]
Analytic computation of the strong stochasticity threshold in Hamiltonian dynamics using Riemannian geometry
Lapo Casetti and Marco Pettini
pp. 4320-4332 [View Page Images or PDF (1,875 kB)]
Unpredictability of symmetry breaking in a phase transition
W. Thirring and H. A. Posch
pp. 4333-4339 [View Page Images or PDF (1,215 kB)]
Energy diffusion in a chaotic adiabatic billiard gas
C. Jarzynski
pp. 4340-4350 [View Page Images or PDF (1,893 kB)]

Kinetic and Transport Theory, Fluid Structure

Melting of square crystals in two dimensions
Thomas A. Weber and Frank H. Stillinger
pp. 4351-4358 [View Page Images or PDF (1,635 kB)]
Visualizing the collective motions responsible for the α and β relaxations in a model glass
Peter Harrowell
pp. 4359-4363 [View Page Images or PDF (963 kB)]
Kinetic lattice-gas model of cage effects in high-density liquids and a test of mode-coupling theory of the ideal-glass transition
Walter Kob and Hans C. Andersen
pp. 4364-4377 [View Page Images or PDF (2,752 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Onset of convection for autocatalytic reaction fronts in a vertical slab
Jie Huang, Desiderio A. Vasquez, Boyd F. Edwards, and Paul Kolodner
pp. 4378-4386 [View Page Images or PDF (1,392 kB)]
Renormalization-group estimates of transport coefficients in the advection of a passive scalar by incompressible turbulence
Ye Zhou and George Vahala
pp. 4387-4398 [View Page Images or PDF (1,612 kB)]
Convection near threshold for Prandtl numbers near 1
Yuchou Hu, Robert Ecke, and Guenter Ahlers
pp. 4399-4413 [View Page Images or PDF (4,885 kB)]
Spatiotemporal structure of hydrothermal waves in Marangoni convection
A. B. Ezersky, A. Garcimartín, H. L. Mancini, and C. Pérez-García
pp. 4414-4422 [View Page Images or PDF (2,616 kB)]
Traveling-wave solutions to thin-film equations
Stefanella Boatto, Leo P. Kadanoff, and Piero Olla
pp. 4423-4431 [View Page Images or PDF (1,290 kB)]
Traveling waves in a fluid layer subjected to a horizontal temperature gradient
F. Daviaud and J. M. Vince
pp. 4432-4436 [View Page Images or PDF (1,395 kB)]
Nonaxisymmetric patterns in the Saffman-Taylor problem and in three-dimensional directional solidification at low velocity
Efim Brener
pp. 4437-4443 [View Page Images or PDF (1,177 kB)]
Taylor vortex formation in axial through-flow: Linear and weakly nonlinear analysis
A. Recktenwald, M. Lücke, and H. W. Müller
pp. 4444-4454 [View Page Images or PDF (1,579 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Pretransitional orientational ordering of rigid-rod polymers in shear flow
Chaohua Wang, B. E. Vugmeister, and H. Daniel Ou-Yang
pp. 4455-4459 [View Page Images or PDF (784 kB)]
Oscillatory zoning in crystal growth: A constitutional undercooling mechanism
Ivan L’Heureux
pp. 4460-4469 [View Page Images or PDF (1,661 kB)]
Monte Carlo studies of grain growth on curved surfaces
P. Peczak, Gary S. Grest, and Dov Levine
pp. 4470-4482 [View Page Images or PDF (2,429 kB)]
Optical- and x-ray-scattering studies of ionic ferrofluids of MnFe2O4, γ-Fe2O3, and CoFe2O4
M. F. da Silva and A. M. Figueiredo Neto
pp. 4483-4491 [View Page Images or PDF (1,406 kB)]
Coarse-graining procedure to generate and analyze heterogeneous materials: Theory
Raphael Blumenfeld and Salvatore Torquato
pp. 4492-4500 [View Page Images or PDF (1,641 kB)]
Light-scattering studies in cross-linked gels: Evidence of a microphase separation
Norberto Micali, Cirino Vasi, Francesco Mallamace, Rama Bansil, Sinisha Pajevic, and Francesco Sciortino
pp. 4501-4509 [View Page Images or PDF (1,715 kB)]
Amplitude equations for the electrohydrodynamic instability in nematic liquid crystals
M. Kaiser and W. Pesch
pp. 4510-4528 [View Page Images or PDF (3,604 kB)]
Gauge theory for discotic liquid crystals
C. Giannessi
pp. 4529-4535 [View Page Images or PDF (968 kB)]
Phase transitions in solutions of variably ionizable particles
Nikolay Brilliantov
pp. 4536-4548 [View Page Images or PDF (2,282 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Effective microscopic model for the dynamics of spreading
J. De Coninck, S. Hoorelbeke, M. P. Valignat, and A. M. Cazabat
pp. 4549-4555 [View Page Images or PDF (904 kB)]
Anchoring of nematic liquid crystals on mica in the presence of volatile molecules
B. Jérôme and Y. R. Shen
pp. 4556-4574 [View Page Images or PDF (3,423 kB)]
Structural investigation of gaseous, liquid, and solid Br2 by x-ray absorption
A. Filipponi, L. Ottaviano, M. Passacantando, P. Picozzi, and S. Santucci
pp. 4575-4583 [View Page Images or PDF (1,600 kB)]
Cross-property relations and permeability estimation in model porous media
L. M. Schwartz, N. Martys, D. P. Bentz, E. J. Garboczi, and S. Torquato
pp. 4584-4591 [View Page Images or PDF (1,316 kB)]
Early-time regime for interfacial instabilities in a kinetic Ising model
Loki Jörgenson, H. Guo, R. Harris, and M. Grant
pp. 4592-4598 [View Page Images or PDF (1,222 kB)]
Sticky hard spheres beyond the Percus-Yevick approximation
S. Bravo Yuste and A. Santos
pp. 4599-4604 [View Page Images or PDF (885 kB)]
Phase diagram for amorphous solid water
Peter H. Poole, Ulrich Essmann, Francesco Sciortino, and H. Eugene Stanley
pp. 4605-4610 [View Page Images or PDF (1,023 kB)]
Buckling instabilities of a confined colloid crystal layer
T. Chou and David R. Nelson
pp. 4611-4621 [View Page Images or PDF (1,706 kB)]
Monte Carlo study of block copolymer adsorption from dilute solutions
Wei Wang, Z.-Z. Lin, C. Ebner, and Yvonne Nikas
pp. 4622-4631 [View Page Images or PDF (1,705 kB)]
Structure and rheology of semidilute suspension under shear
J. Bławzdziewicz and Grzegorz Szamel
pp. 4632-4636 [View Page Images or PDF (689 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Cyclotron-maser experiments in a periodic waveguide
E. Jerby and G. Bekefi
pp. 4637-4641 [View Page Images or PDF (710 kB)]
Modulational instability of ion-acoustic waves in a plasma with negative ions
M. K. Mishra, R. S. Chhabra, and S. R. Sharma
pp. 4642-4647 [View Page Images or PDF (984 kB)]
X-ray-line polarization spectroscopy in laser-produced plasmas
J. C. Kieffer, J. P. Matte, M. Chaker, Y. Beaudoin, C. Y. Chien, S. Coe, G. Mourou, J. Dubau, and M. K. Inal
pp. 4648-4658 [View Page Images or PDF (1,814 kB)]
Positive and negative absorption by a plasma in an intense laser field
Boris N. Chichkov and Sergey A. Uryupin
pp. 4659-4664 [View Page Images or PDF (740 kB)]
Center-manifold theory for low-frequency excitations in magnetized plasmas
P. Beyer, R. Grauer, and K. H. Spatschek
pp. 4665-4673 [View Page Images or PDF (1,460 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Coherent transition radiation at submillimeter and millimeter wavelengths
T. Takahashi, Y. Shibata, F. Arai, K. Ishi, T. Ohsaka, M. Ikezawa, Y. Kondo, T. Nakazato, S. Urasawa, R. Kato, S. Niwano, and M. Oyamada
pp. 4674-4677 [View Page Images or PDF (594 kB)]
Experimental determination of the Hamiltonian for synchrotron motion with rf phase modulation
H. Huang et al.
pp. 4678-4688 [View Page Images or PDF (1,748 kB)]
Synchrobetatron-coupling effects in alternating-phase-focusing linacs
Weh-Hao Cheng, Robert L. Gluckstern, and Hiromi Okamoto
pp. 4689-4698 [View Page Images or PDF (1,372 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Inverse-scattering approach to femtosecond solitons in monomode optical fibers
D. Mihalache, L. Torner, F. Moldoveanu, N.-C. Panoiu, and N. Truta
pp. 4699-4709 [View Page Images or PDF (1,245 kB)]
Stability of the soliton states in a nonlinear fiber coupler
J. M. Soto-Crespo and Nail Akhmediev
pp. 4710-4715 [View Page Images or PDF (973 kB)]
Determination of the statistical distribution of electromagnetic-field amplitudes in complex cavities
R. H. Price, H. T. Davis, and E. P. Wenaas
pp. 4716-4729 [View Page Images or PDF (1,813 kB)]
Field-factor formalism for the study of the tensorial symmetry of four-wave nonlinear optical parametric interactions in uniaxial and biaxial crystals
B. Boulanger, J. P. Fève, and G. Marnier
pp. 4730-4751 [View Page Images or PDF (2,954 kB)]
Stability exponents for smooth, recursive dynamical systems
William E. Wiesel
pp. 4752-4757 [View Page Images or PDF (1,006 kB)]
Graphical and WKB analysis of nonuniform Bragg gratings
L. Poladian
pp. 4758-4767 [View Page Images or PDF (1,514 kB)]
Discreteness effects on the formation and propagation of breathers in nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations
Thierry Dauxois, Michel Peyrard, and C. R. Willis
pp. 4768-4778 [View Page Images or PDF (1,884 kB)]
Dynamic phases in a spring-block system
A. Johansen, P. Dimon, C. Ellegaard, J. S. Larsen, and H. H. Rugh
pp. 4779-4790 [View Page Images or PDF (1,962 kB)]
Chaotic and phase-locked breather dynamics in the damped and parametrically driven sine-Gordon equation
Rainer Grauer and Yuri S. Kivshar
pp. 4791-4800 [View Page Images or PDF (1,410 kB)]

Biological Physics

Pattern formation in Dictyostelium via the dynamics of cooperative biological entities
David A. Kessler and Herbert Levine
pp. 4801-4804 [View Page Images or PDF (813 kB)]
Generalization in a two-layer neural network
Kukjin Kang, Jong-Hoon Oh, Chulan Kwon, and Youngah Park
pp. 4805-4809 [View Page Images or PDF (705 kB)]
Dynamics of globally coupled inhibitory neurons with heterogeneity
David Golomb and John Rinzel
pp. 4810-4814 [View Page Images or PDF (854 kB)]

Computational Physics

Rayleigh waves for a discrete elastic paraxial equation
G. W. Hedstrom
pp. 4815-4822 [View Page Images or PDF (1,208 kB)]
Initial and boundary conditions for the lattice Boltzmann method
P. A. Skordos
pp. 4823-4842 [View Page Images or PDF (3,001 kB)]


Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

General Methods of Statistical Physics

Transport on the percolation backbone
John Mastorakos and Panos Argyrakis
pp. 4847-4850 [View Page Images or PDF (666 kB)]
Coexistence of hyperbolic and nonhyperbolic chaotic scattering
S. Drożdż, J. Okołowicz, and T. Srokowski
pp. 4851-4854 [View Page Images or PDF (701 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Absorption of high-contrast 12-ps uv laser pulses by solid targets
D. Riley, L. A. Gizzi, A. J. Mackinnon, S. M. Viana, and O. Willi
pp. 4855-4858 [View Page Images or PDF (736 kB)]
Nonlinear surface waves on a plasma sphere in an external electric field
L. Stenflo, M. Y. Yu, and S. V. Vladimirov
pp. 4859-4861 [View Page Images or PDF (451 kB)]


Erratum: Dendritic sidebranching with periodic localized perturbations: Directional solidification of pivalic acid-coumarin 152 mixtures
L. M. Williams, M. Muschol, X. Qian, W. Losert, and H. Z. Cummins
pp. 4862 [View Page Images or PDF (83 kB)]